Summer I Session: May 26 - July 4, 2025
Summer II Session: July 7 - August 15, 2025


*Classes will NOT be held on the following holidays: Memorial Day (May 26), Juneteenth (June 19), or Independence Day (July 4)

Registration Window Monday, April 14, 8:00 am – Friday, May 23, 12:00 noon
Classes Begin Monday, May 26
Last day to drop a class Friday, June 30, 12:00 noon
Last day to withdraw (WD) from a class Tuesday, June 18, 5:00 pm
Classes End Friday, July 4
Grades Due Monday, July 8, 12:00 noon


Registration Window Monday, April 14, 8:00 am – Thursday, July 3, 5:00 pm
Classes Begin Monday, July 7
Last day to drop a class Thursday, July 10, 5:00 pm
Last day to withdraw (WD) from a class Tuesday, August 5, 5:00 pm
Classes End Friday, August 15
Grades Due Friday, August 22, 12:00 noon


  • All current students, regardless of class year, may register through Banner Self-Service beginning Monday, April 14, 8:00 am through Friday, May 23, 12 noon (Summer I) and Thursday, July 3, 5:00 pm (Summer II).
  • PIN numbers are not required for Summer registration.

Review the Course Schedule

Browse classes in Banner Self-Service, selecting either the ‘Summer I’ or ‘Summer II’ term, or view the formatted schedule grid. Course offering details are subject to change, so be sure to confirm up-to-date information through Banner Self-Service.

Course Load

Students may register for two (2) courses per session.

Course Drops

Banner Self-Service will be open for schedule changes (including course drops) until Friday, May 23, 12 noon (Summer I) and Thursday, July 3, 5:00 pm (Summer II). If a student wishes to drop a course after Banner Self-Service closes, an email request must be sent to

  • Summer I deadline to drop a course is Friday, May 30, 12:00 noon.
  • Summer II deadline to drop a course is Thursday, July 10, 5:00 PM

Course Withdrawals

If it becomes necessary to withdraw from a course, a formal withdrawal must be completed through the Registrar’s Office.

Merely ceasing to attend, even if notice is given to the instructor, does not constitute an official withdrawal.  Students who do not follow the established procedures for withdrawing from a course will be charged for the course and receive a grade of “F”.

Students who withdraw will have a “WD” recorded on their transcript.

  • Summer I deadline to withdraw from a course is Tuesday, June 24, 5:00 pm.
  • Summer II deadline to withdraw from a course is Tuesday, August 5, 5:00 PM.

Pass/Fail – Audit

  • Pass/ Fail Eligibility –
  • Audit –
    • Review the Auditing Courses policy
    • An audit must be declared prior to the beginning of the course. Permission must be granted by the Academic Progress Committee through the petition procedure and with the approval of the instructor and the academic adviser.
    • No credit will be granted, but if audit conditions are met, the course will be appended to the permanent record.
    • The course audit fee is $575.
  • For both Pass/ Fail and Audit requests, submit the general petition form by Friday, 12:00 noon prior to the session start date.


  • Read the Internship Policy
  • The internship fee is $275.00.
  • Students are responsible for securing their own internship placement.
  • Only one departmental internship can count for credit towards graduation; INT 200 internships do not count for credit towards graduation.
  • Whether participating in a department internship or INT 200, the Internship Registration form must be completed and approved prior to the start of the internship.
  • All internships are recorded in Summer II; however, the internship experience may begin sooner and/or span the entire summer.


  • All students must meet any prerequisites for courses to be taken during summer sessions.
  • Undergraduate students from other colleges or universities may register for Lafayette College’s summer session provided they furnish proof of prerequisites from their own institution.  We suggest that you contact the Registrar or Dean at your school to ensure that credits earned at Lafayette may be applied toward your degree.  Students from other institutions should contact the Registrar’s Office at regarding the registration process.  Registrations may be submitted up to the last working day before classes begin.

Teaching Modality

  • Courses will either be taught in-person or remotely. For modality and teaching times, please see the Summer course schedule.

Tuition and Fees


  • Summer I tuition is $2,600.00 per course
  • Summer II tuition is $2,700.00 per course

Payment is required by the first day of class. The summer course tuition bill will be posted to the Lafayette student’s account, accessible through Banner Self-Service.


  • Studio Art Fee – $160.00
  • Internship Fee – $275.00
  • Course Audit Fee – $575.00

Refund Policy

Students must drop their course(s) by the deadline to get a full refund.

  • Summer I deadline for a full refund is Friday, May 30, 12:00 noon.
  • Summer II deadline for a full refund is Thursday, July 10, 5:00 pm.


On-campus housing will be available this summer. Students should refer to details/announcement from Residence Life.


Class Supplies:

For textbook and class supplies, please contact the instructor.

Library Hours:

Skillman Library’s online resources can accessed through

Contact Information:

Office of the Registrar –

Student Accounts –